Fairlyeven helps Real Estate Agents and

Fairlyeven helps
Real Estate Agents and

Direct Sales Professionals Supercharge their businesses.

Learn how to make PASSIVE INCOME.

Fairlyeven is a marketing platform for entrepreneurs, creatives and freelancers to enter industries where they make passive income. Start and grow your business with us.

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Need access to $50,000-$250,000 to grow your business faster?

See how you can qualify for our non-dilutive funding strategies.

Tools That Make Your Businesses Boom!

Earn Passive Income with Fairlyeven!

Active income typically arises from tasks directly tied to your job or career, demanding your time and active involvement. In contrast, passive income is revenue that you can generate with minimal effort, such as closing automated leads or earning from a business without active daily effort.

Credit Repair

Credit repair is like fixing a bicycle that has some broken parts. People and businesses have something called "credit," which is like a report card for how good they are at borrowing money and paying it back. If their credit report card has bad stuff on it, like not paying money back on time or other mistakes, it can make it hard for them to borrow more money or get a new bike. So, credit repair is when they try to fix those mistakes.

Infinite Banking

Infinite banking is like having a special piggy bank that can help you with your money. Instead of using a regular piggy bank, some grown-ups use something called "whole life insurance." It's like a special kind of savings plan. They put money into it, and over time, it grows and becomes more money. Then, when they need some extra money, they can borrow some from their special piggy bank. It's like having your own bank at home! They use it for important things like buying a new toy or fixing the roof of their house. This way, they don't always have to go to the big banks for help.

Commercial Lending

Financial institutions, such as banks and credit unions, offer loans to businesses for various purposes, including working capital, expansion, equipment purchases, and more.

Tools That Make Your Businesses Boom!


Upload and send proposals to your clients in under 30 seconds.

Get Leads

Prospects who have been identified as having a higher likelihood of making a purchase. Sales leads are often further qualified based on criteria such as their needs, budget, and decision-making authority.


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